Charlotte’s Dream Homes Blog

Charlotte Home Building Advice

8 reasons to build your pool in the fall

8 reasons to build your pool in the fall

Are you thinking of building a pool in your place? Well, If you want it to be ready to enjoy it next summer then there are many reasons why we recommend you to build your pool in the fall. The weather in the fall is more viable and predictable for construction work;...

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6 basement remodeling ideas to spruce that space up

6 basement remodeling ideas to spruce that space up

Basement remodeling, huh! Well, nowadays it is very valuable to get the most out of every available space at home so that in addition to the living room, kitchen, bathrooms and rooms, there is another very valuable space and with high potential if you know how to take...

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7 home remodel ideas for your new home in Charlotte, NC

7 home remodel ideas for your new home in Charlotte, NC

Charlotte, North Carolina is the home to NASCAR, that must tell you about how much we love the speed and adrenaline at the city, and this is present on every aspect of our life. As much as we love the speed of sports, we also like to count on helping hands when a job...

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5 of the Most Durable Kitchen Materials

5 of the Most Durable Kitchen Materials

The kitchen is the most used place in the house which causes some wear and tear on your materials over time. Bacteria, dirt, food debris and even insects are also produced here. So when building or remodeling the kitchen, we must consider using the most durable and...

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Keeping a Clean Countertop

Keeping a Clean Countertop

Kitchen countertops take some of the most abuse of any area in your home. From hot pans to knives, spills, and more, your countertops are going to be met with a lot of abuse throughout their lifetime. Keeping a clean countertop will require a certain strategy that...

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7 Different Types of Roof Materials

7 Different Types of Roof Materials

Commonly, our clients ask us about the different types of roof materials and which are the bests recommended for their house. As we know, a roof is the upper part of a building or house that protects the interior of them from the impact of the environment and the...

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Why landscaping is important in Charlotte constructions?

Why landscaping is important in Charlotte constructions?

When we talk about construction in Charlotte there are many factors to consider before undertaking a project and before putting your project in the hands of a company. Today, we'll tell you why landscaping is important in Charlotte constructions. It is essential to...

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4 Myths about custom building a new home in Charlotte, NC

4 Myths about custom building a new home in Charlotte, NC

If you are considering on building a new home, you might find there is a lot of inconsistent information, which can be really overwhelming, while what you need is to be sure of the team you will be working with. Our city, surrounded by the love for sports, continually...

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5 tips to clean after a home remodeling

5 tips to clean after a home remodeling

When we do some remodeling in our house, however small it may be, we will always need a good plan to clean, and especially some tips to clean after home remodeling. Why? Well, because after repairing or changing parts of the house, everything is messy, there are...

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