When you’re planning on remodeling your house, you usually think about making changes mainly in the living room, the bedrooms or the exterior, leaving the kitchen and bathroom until last. The funny thing is that those are the rooms where we spend more time.

There are several reasons for wanting to remodel a kitchen or a bathroom, from simple ones such as not liking the way it looks anymore to more complex ones such as being fashionable or wanting to expand those spaces because they’re too small for your needs.

However, if you think they’re fine the way they are, we present 8 fabulous remodeling ideas for your kitchen and bathroom that will make you change your mind.


8 fabulous remodeling ideas for your kitchen and bathroom


For your kitchen


  • Linear kitchens: the trend for the coming years is to take advantage of each space and get the most out of it, that’s why we recommend a linear kitchen. These kitchens are characterized by placing everything in a single wall. All things are sequential: you take something out of the refrigerator, clean it, peel it, cook it, etc.


  • Less is more: a big change you can make in your kitchen is to get rid of the large number of cabinets and drawers to place new ones; it is recommended to have a closet in front of the kitchen and replace the air cabinets with vertical shelves and to place large drawers at the bottom.



  • Change to warm colors: Pastel or white colors give a sense of wider space. White walls and cabinets give an elegant touch; white light is the final touch to have a kitchen that seems to be twice the size from the previous one.



  • Use ceramics in their entirety: ceramic tiles are great allies for kitchens, and it is best to have them on both walls and floors, especially on the walls since they are easy to clean when it gets very dirty after cooking. They also last for years.


kitchen and bathroom remodeling


For the bathroom:


  • Use only what is necessary: Do not saturate your bathroom, utilize only the essentials: a shower, a sink with a cabinet and a WC. Let them be the ones in charge of personalizing it. A perfect location helps take advantage of the spaces.



  • Use Mirrors: The utilization of large mirrors makes bathrooms look larger. Try to use fogless mirrors. If the bathroom has windows it will reflect natural light.



  • Highlight the shower wall: Make the shower wall the center of attention of your bathroom by using brightly colored ceramics that contrast with everything else.


kitchen and bathroom remodeling ideas


  • Glass door: A glass door for the shower gives the feeling of a more spacious bathroom, makes the shower ceramic tiles to stand out and the glass is very easy to clean.


kitchen and bathroom remodeling


If with these ideas you are convinced that your kitchen or bathroom needs a remodel, we recommend you to get an advisor from house construction experts like us: Dream Home Builders & Remodelers, where we will help you to make your ideas materialize and where expenses will be less than you thought.