How to save electricity in your home? Without a doubt, consuming less energy creates considerable savings in bill costs.

However, in a deeper sense, it is about becoming aware that saving energy makes spending on bills cheaper, and it also represents a great contribution to reducing global warming, which translates into enjoying a healthy planet; a better world.

Today, at Dream Home Builders and Remodelers, we show you 7 successful tricks for you to learn how to save electricity in your home.



7 successful tricks for you to learn how to save electricity in your home.



  1. Purchase class A appliances, they guarantee the greatest energy saving: energy labeling in practice, starts with A and ends in G, with A being the one that consumes less electricity. So, buying appliances labeled A would be the best option.


  1. Implement the use of LED light: A typical electric bulb wastes 95% of energy in the form of heat, something that you can reverse if you replace them with LED lamps.


  1. Plan the use of the iron and the washing machine: household chores seem to have nothing to do with saving energy, but organizing them well will make a difference. Fully load the washing machine and you will be reducing the number of times you use it; you will also save water.

Something similar happens with the iron. Get organized to iron all the clothes at once since it consumes more energy while it heats up to the optimum point, making you waste a lot more electricity when you utilize it for just one garment each day.


  1. The location and use of the refrigerator make a big difference: place your refrigerator away from both the stove and the oven; do not place it where the sun hits it; do not put hot foods in it. Likewise, for it to function optimally and have less energy consumption, leave its back with enough space for air to circulate.


  1. Unplug appliances when they are not in use: when you leave them plugged, they continue to consume energy.


  1. Good insulation of the house: to insulate your house and keep the heat inside it is necessary to correct each and every one of the possible leaks and air leaks that occur through cracks in doors and windows, around the extractor fans, and through exhaust ducts. Once identified, seal them hermetically with silicone, placing weather stripping, among others.


  1. Turn off the light: simply turn on only the necessary bulbs. Turn off the lights in those spaces and rooms that are empty or unused. This is a habit that can represent great savings if practiced conscientiously.


Be conscious and consume efficiently


The waste of energy is the main cause of global warming. That is why today it is imperative to save energy with an ecological conscience.

Start by putting these little tricks into practice that will result in cheaper bills and, above all, in a lower environmental impact. Pamper yourself, consume efficiently and enjoy more.

Do you need professional help? Contact us. We are specialists in this area, and we support you from beginning to end.

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